Rehabilitation Through the Arts: Support Prison Arts Programs

Donate, Teach, Amplify, or Volunteer in Prisons


RTA’s success is only possible with your support. Your tax-deductible contribution helps pay for teaching artists, curriculum development, training, books, art supplies, and transportation to remote prisons.

Make a donation


Working in prison as a teaching artist requires a special set of skills and experience. We seek teaching artists with advanced arts training and experience as educators, especially in underserved communities. Becoming an RTA teaching artist is not a casual process. Criminal background checks, orientation, fingerprinting, and yearly TB tests are required by New York State. These complex logistics make RTA unsuitable as a term project or internship. Still interested? Wonderful! Send a resume to


There are a number of ways to volunteer with RTA including: helping with props and costumes, volunteering at an event, hosting a friendraiser, joining a Committee or our Board of Trustees, or lending your time and expertise with pro bono services. Contact to learn more.


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There are many opportunities to make an impact with RTA.